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Circular Table Talks

2021-07-01 @ 15:00 - 16:00

Circular Table Talks

A Proper Carbon Price – A Key to Higher Climate Action?

We Don’t Have Time and Ragn-Sells are proud to present the first episode in a series of six in-depth table talks on the subject of circularity. The series will explore new and exciting ideas that have the potential to benefit people, the planet and build green economies locally and globally. Bringing together experts on the circular economy, showing examples of projects applying these principles in real life and challenging preconceived notions of what is and isn’t waste.

In the first episode C02, the main greenhouse gas, is in focus. The episode will look at whether a circular economy transforms it from a problem to a useful resource. What role carbon pricing plays in enabling this shift and present real world examples.

Missa inte årets största hållbarhetsarrangemang på Åbymässan i Göteborg den 3-4 november!



15:00 - 16:00
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